Today I checked out ISI' s products. I started with their Cited Reference Search where a number of articles by N Feamster were cited at least once and a few around ten times. I had a little difficulty with this search because even with the article titles expanded they were still abbreviated in a manner I did not recognize.
I moved on to Journal Citation Reports which is where I was reminded of how huge the field of computer science can be. Under the subject search for computer science there were these subdivisions: Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Hardware & Architecture, Information Systems, Interdisciplinary, Software Engineering, and Theory & Methods. Notice no subcategory for networking which is what category I think of when looking over his work. Under Theory and Methods I did find at # 26 the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking which is where the article Stable Policy Routing with Provider Independence was published.
Somewhat irked by the lack of sources Nick Feamster publishes in I tried another track. Still in Journal Citation Reports I looked under Journal titles and brought up the list. While there are a number of ACM and IEEE publications listed, ACM SIGCOMM or SIGMETRICS (or Proceedings of ....) is not listed. These are where most of his work is published.
I had better luck with Scopus which is weird because I don't have access to it. Just using the Author Preview option (and not expecting to get anywhere) I retrieved a lot of info. Under Nick Feamster I found his author id, his h index (4), his publication range (1999-2008), and affiliation history (MIT and Hewlett Packard Laboratories). Things I could see but would need a subscription to get full access to were:
References 393 (his references)
Cited by 77
Co-authors 37
web search 28 (web results, since I couldn't access this I don't know how accurate a search this was)
I liked both ISI and Scopus. These are great resources if you know of a person working in a specific area. I think the main reason the results were so different for my search was due to the journals these resources track.
2 years ago